We produce the Philadelphia Museum of Art Contemporary Craft Show which highlights the very best in contemporary craft and design.
We’re here to promote the Show, to make people aware of this great event right here in Philadelphia. We want as many guests as possible to attend and support the artists.
This year we have 195 artists from across the country plus 26 guest artists from Germany exhibiting. What’s great about our show is that you get to meet the artists and build a relationship by learning more about what inspires them to create and purchase their work. Media categories are baskets, clay, fiber, metal, mixed media, furniture, glass, wood and jewelry.
The Show is the largest single fundraiser for the Museum. When someone purchases a ticket to the Show, they are directly supporting the Museum. This is our 42nd Annual Show. Over $12 million has been raised in the last 41 years. Proceeds support the acquisition of contemporary craft, funds special exhibitions and a variety of programs and projects. We support many of the Museum’s Education Department’s initiatives and especially, Art Splash Family Programs. That opens on June 30 at the Museum.
Our office is at the Museum but the Show is held at the PA Convention Center in November. This year’s dates are November 2-4. For more information, our website address is www.pmacraftshow.org