Michael Johnson of Drone Lecture talks to us about drone training and aerial technology. They offer hands-on training, curriculum development that is designed for beginners to advanced pilots.
Michael answers our questions about drones below and on the podcast.
I develop Small Unmanned Aircraft System (sUAS) test prep instructional content and related introductory advanced sUAS instructional content.
Non profit organizations, academic institutions, private business sector and municipal agencies.
We are decentralized. We have representatives in Pennsylvania, Florida, Georgia, New York, Maryland, and Texas.
Drone Lecture launched in 2017.
I’ve been developing drone training for almost 5 years.
The evolution of aerial technology tools and lack of access to the underserved and under employed communities.
Expanding our sUAS Instructional Content Accreditation options.
The automated robotics projects.
Several from the secondary and the post secondary academic area.
Explaining the wide range of sUAS non recreational capabilities to Faire attendees.
Michael talks in depth about Drone Lecture’s training options and discusses expanding opportunities in the drone field for certified pilots and their crew over on the podcast this week. https://anchor.fm/phillymakerfaire/episodes/Michael-Johnson-Drone-Lecture-e16lgh0
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/mike.dronelecture/
Website https://dronelecture.com/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/dronelecture
Drone Lecture at the Philly Maker Faire https://philly.makerfaire.com/call-for-makers/entry/585/