Battery Electric Vehicles 101 at Mr.G's Workshop. How can batteries replace gasoline? From Batteries to Wheels, learn how to make your own Electric Vehicles. Starting with making your own coper/zinc batteries from pennies!
Hi, I am Mr.G. I teach students how to convert cars to full electric drive. As a kid I sat in the back in the class. My teachers thought I was avoiding their academic work. They must have over looked that at the back of the class was the location of the pencil sharpener. After every paper assignment got passed back, I would turn it over and draw a car. Now that I'm the teacher, drawing and building cars is the work. 🙂 In 2005 I started teaching High School shop class. As I stop to look back, to this day I am so proud of my students and the projects we built. The kids are just amazing. In 2009 we converted a gasoline car to run on all electric. Following that up, we converted a diesel car to run on veggie oil. In addition to teaching "shop class" in a public school, I decided to open up my services to more people and see what is possible. In the summer of 2013, I founded "Mr.G's Creative Workshop". I offer classes on Welding, small engines and bicycle repair.
Tom at Battery Hookups, is a battery recycler. Offering tested used batteries at affordable prices.
Matt, has converted the Diesel engine on his sail boat, to an electric motor. For cleaner and more reliable power on demand. With an electric motor in your sailboat, you no longer have to decide between sailing slowly with little wind, uncomfortable motor sailing, or calling it quits and firing up the diesel. Your motor is always on. You can use as little or as much power as the conditions call for. Motor sailing is where electric propulsion really shines. A small amount of power goes a long way while you are under sail. It can help fill out your sails or point higher to get you to your destination faster.