Ray Baccari's playable porcelain records. The photo is white thick records on a white wall.

This week on the blog, we’re chatting with artist Ray Baccari. Ray is a visual artist creating socially engaged work, and is also known for interactive, sound-based sculpture and installation. Ray was on the podcast last fall! Go check it out.

What do you Make?

I primarily make sound-based sculptures and installations that usually require some level of participation from the audience. These sculptures and installations take a lot of different forms. Usually, they are grounded in honest materials and recognizable forms – like a vinyl record or a gramophone.

Ray Baccari surrounded wooden megaphones.

Who do you make it for?

It was a regular discussion in grad school as to who your audience is. My mentor Tom helped me understand that I’m my first audience. If I’m genuine in my interests and concerns, the work I make will attract its own audience.

Where are you located?

I live in West Philadelphia.

When did you start making?

I’ve been building with Legos, tinker toys, Lincoln Logs, and K’nex for as long as I could remember, so I’d say about 4 or 5 years old.

How long have you been making?

I’ve been doing large-scale work for about seven years. I’ve been making art for about 16. I’ve been a lifelong tinkerer and taker-aparter.

Ray Baccari's giant megaphone is a large black cone that is large enough to sit in.

What inspired you to make this?

I enjoy answering fleeting questions and solving problems. I also really enjoy figuring out how things work or are made. The best way I’ve found to do that is to make it yourself.

What makers inspire you?

I have a long list of Youtube makers that I follow; Michael Alm of Alm Fab, Adam Savage, and Bob Clagett of I Like to Make Stuff are among the top ones I watch. There are several Artists I studied in school that make up the taxonomy of my work. John Cage, Christian Marclay, Zimoun, Terry Adkins, and Benjamin Patterson.

What’s next?

Get into the studio and keep making problems and solving problems. I’ll keep a lookout for new opportunities and take them as they come. Currently, I’m working out getting my piece Go-Between down to Western Carolina University for an exhibition in February. 

What would you like to ask the maker community?

I don’t have anything specific to ask, but I would like to say that I’m always open for a good chat and happy to talk about the process and concepts behind the things I create.

What was the best moment for you as a maker?

I have a couple, big and small. My thesis exhibition is a big one because it culminated three years of work and research. Also, receiving my first major professional commission when I first moved to Philadelphia last year was pretty big for me.

Ray Baccari artist online

Website: www.raybaccari.com/

Instagram: www.instagram.com/ray_baccari/

WCU liv lab on Instagram: instagram.com/wculivlab/

Ray Baccari artist on the podcast

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