Thanks for taking a moment to consider your financial situation when purchasing a ticket. We ask that you pay based on your resources so that we can remain an event for people of all economic backgrounds to participate. If you work full time, consider a rate along the lines of your hourly pay. And a shout-out to Fishadelphia for inspiring our sliding scale.
Supporter: $24 – buy one and help a neighbor
Market: $12 – standard admission rate
Community: $6 – reduced admission
Neighbor: free – glad to have you join us!
Drop by for maker-mischeif fun, MythBuster's style. Can you levitate matter with sound? OK, so spoiler - YES, and it's a LOT of fun. Play with the worst video game controllers, ever designed - see if you can break a record, or just an egg or two!
Yemisi art creates exquisite lines of functional decorative, wearable art, and textile products for home furnishings, interior spaces, decorative wall arts, and every women's accessory such as silk scarf.
The Legacy Experience created by Steve The Legacy will show the various creations that he has innovated such as his board games Dictionary Daddy, Support Black Inventors, 2N1 Card Game and his latest children's book "The Little Inventor That Could".
SCI-FI-LOPHONE by Jeremy dePrisco is a unique MIDI-controlled percussion instrument consisting of solenoids combined with traditional and non-traditional sound making objects.